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RECIIS (Online) ; 17(2): 423-430, abr.-jun.,2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442478


Devido às complexidades do período de pandemia de covid-19, houve um aumento do acesso às redes sociais para a busca de informações científicas. Este trabalho visa apresentar as adaptações de uma atividade de ensino, através de relato de experiência, promovido pelo Grupo de Educação Tutorial (GET) do Curso de Nutrição da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Foram ciclos de palestras com atualizações científicas e vivência prática, utilizando a rede social Instagram em formato de lives, sendo o conteúdo transmitido como entrevista, em dois blocos, totalizando seis lives com aproximadamente 55 minutos cada. O público interagiu com o palestrante, ao expressar opinião e encaminhar dúvidas através do recurso de comentários. Houve sucesso na participação dos alunos, fato confirmado pelo número de visualizações, uma vez que o total foi superior quando comparado às edições presenciais. A internet viabilizou encontros de pessoas, mesmo distantes, possibilitando o acesso a profissionais de outras cidades e transmitindo informações através da rede social

Due to the complexities of the covid-19 pandemic period, there has been an increase in access to social net-works to search for scientific information. This work aims to present the adaptations of a teaching activity, through an experience report, promoted by the Tutorial Education Group, of the Nutrition Course from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. There were lecture cycles with scientific updates and practical experience, using the social network Instagram in the format of lives, with the content being transmitted as an interview, in two blocks, totaling six lives with approximately 55 minutes each. The audience interacted with the speaker, expressing their opinion and doubts through the comment section. There was success in student participation, which can be confirmed by the number of online views, since this was higher when compared to the face-to-face editions. The internet made it possible for people to meet, even if they were far away, allowing access to professionals from other cities and transmitting information through the social network

Debido a las complejidades del período de la pandemia de covid-19, se ha incrementado el acceso a las redes sociales para buscar información científica. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar las adaptaciones de una actividad docente, a través de un relato de experiencia, promovida por el Grupo de Educación Tutorial (GET) del Curso de Nutrición de la Universidad Federal de Juiz de Fora. Se realizaron ciclos de conferencias con actualización científica y experiencia práctica, utilizando la red social Instagram en formato de directos, siendo el contenido transmitido como entrevista, en dos bloques que suman seis directos con aproximada-mente 55 minutos cada una. El público interactuó con el ponente, expresando su opinión y dudas a través de la función de comentarios. Hubo éxito en la participación de los estudiantes, lo que se puede confirmar con el número de visualizaciones en línea, ya que fue mayor en comparación con las ediciones presenciales. Internet hizo posible que las personas se encontraran, aunque estuvieran lejos, permitiendo el acceso a profesionales de otras ciudades y transmitiendo información a través de la red social

Humans , Nutritional Sciences , Social Networking , COVID-19 , Internet , Disclosure , Information Dissemination , Internet Access
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e254483, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440795


Compreender as estratégias de resolução de conflitos utilizadas por adolescentes na relação com seus pais é fundamental para entender como ocorre seu desenvolvimento saudável. Este artigo investigou a resolução de conflitos de adolescentes em situações de confronto entre o seu domínio pessoal e o controle parental. 36 adolescentes com idades entre 15 e 17 anos, divididos igualmente conforme o sexo, responderam a uma entrevista semiestruturada, que continha quatro situações de conflito hipotéticas. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo semântica e a testes não paramétricos. Os resultados foram categorizados em sete estratégias: Assunção de culpa, Submissão, Mentira, Hostilidade, Diálogo/Explicação, Negociação e Outra. A forma predominante de resolução utilizada foi o Diálogo/Explicação, considerada como uma forma recorrente de defender o domínio pessoal. Foram encontradas diferenças em relação ao sexo dos participantes e à situação hipotética. Por fim, os resultados são discutidos em termos de grau de autonomia e tipo de defesa do domínio pessoal.(AU)

Understanding the conflict resolution strategies used by adolescents in their relationship with their parents is fundamental to understanding how their healthy development occurs. This article investigated the resolution of conflicts by adolescents in confrontation situations between their personal domain and parental control. A total of 36 adolescents, aged 15 to 17 years, divided equally according to sex, answered a semi-structured interview that contained four hypothetical conflict situations. Data were subjected to semantic content analysis and non-parametric tests. The results were categorized into seven strategies: Assumption of Guilt, Submission, Lie, Hostility, Dialogue/Explanation, Negotiation, and Other. The predominant form of resolution used was Dialogue/Explanation, considered a recurrent form of defense of the personal domain. Differences were found depending on the participants' gender and the hypothetical situation. Finally, the results are discussed regarding the degree of autonomy and type of defense of the personal domain.(AU)

Enterarse de las estrategias de resolución de conflictos que los adolescentes utilizan en la relación con sus padres es fundamental para comprender cómo ocurre el desarrollo saludable de los adolescentes. A partir de una entrevista semiestructurada, presentamos cuatro situaciones hipotéticas de conflicto que fueron analizadas y respondidas por 36 adolescentes de entre 15 y 17 años, divididos según el género. Los datos se sometieron a un análisis de contenido semántico y a pruebas no paramétricas. Los resultados se categorizaron en siete estrategias de resolución de conflictos: Asunción de culpa, Sumisión, Mentira, Hostilidad, Diálogo/Explicación, Negociación y Otros. La forma de resolución más utilizada fue Diálogo/Explicación, y esta categoría fue una forma de defensa del dominio personal. Asimismo, se encontraron diferencias en función del género de los participantes y conforme la situación hipotética. Los resultados se discuten en términos de grado de autonomía y tipo de defensa del dominio personal.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent , Negotiating , Family Conflict , Anxiety , Orientation , Parent-Child Relations , Personal Satisfaction , Personality , Personality Development , Primary Health Care , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychosexual Development , Psychotherapy , Public Policy , Quality of Life , Role , Sex , Authoritarianism , Social Behavior Disorders , Social Change , Social Dominance , Social Environment , Socialization , Stereotyping , Stress, Psychological , Avoidance Learning , Taboo , Temperament , Temperance , Violence , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Career Choice , Attitude , Child Advocacy , Child Welfare , Choice Behavior , Mental Health , Puberty , Adolescent Behavior , Parenting , Intergenerational Relations , Codependency, Psychological , Interview , Communication , Comprehensive Health Care , Privacy , Adult , Sexuality , Conduct Disorder , Feedback, Psychological , Disclosure , Dangerous Behavior , Principle-Based Ethics , Decision Making , Harm Reduction , Moral Development , Dissent and Disputes , Trust , Friends , Adolescent Development , Sexual Development , Dominance-Subordination , Education , Educational Status , Ego , Emotions , Escape Reaction , Fear , Emotional Intelligence , Sense of Coherence , Forgiveness , Protective Factors , Social Norms , Emotional Adjustment , Underage Drinking , Peer Influence , Conservative Treatment , Perfectionism , Cell Phone Use , Incivility , Self-Management , Ethnocentrism , Freedom , Frustration , Psychological Distress , Social Integration , Empowerment , Transtheoretical Model , Disinformation , Social Cohesion , Citizenship , Gestalt Therapy , Family Support , Psychological Well-Being , Guilt , Happiness , Hormones , Hostility , Human Development , Human Rights , Identity Crisis , Individuation , Juvenile Delinquency , Anger , Leisure Activities , Life Change Events , Loneliness , Love , Deception , Morals , Narcissism , Object Attachment
Psicol. Estud. (Online) ; 28: e53140, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431113


RESUMO Os estudos existentes acerca da revelação da violência sexual são, em sua maioria, baseados em casos de meninas. À vista disso, objetivou-se conhecer as reações protetivas e não protetivas de mães e pais diante da revelação de meninos vítimas de violência sexual. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo qualitativo, por meio de entrevistas, com nove mães. Em seguida, efetuou-se a análise temática dos dados, que resultou em seis temas: momento da revelação; confiança e desconfiança; acolhimento; busca de ajuda; emoções; e proteção. Tomados em conjunto, os resultados indicam que as mães apresentaram, no geral, reações protetivas diante da revelação, evidentes em todos os temas identificados. A partir do momento da revelação, as mães confiaram nos seus filhos e buscaram acolhê-los por meio de uma escuta atenta, também, cabe dizer, algumas entraram em estado de paralisia e entristecimento. Esse acolhimento foi seguido de busca de informações e de atendimento especializado. A proteção ocorreu, ainda, por meio do afastamento dos agressores e monitoramento da rotina dos filhos. Nesse sentido, é fundamental que haja investimento em ações de conscientização sobre os serviços disponíveis para que cuidadores possam proteger crianças e adolescentes em risco. Além disso, são necessárias intervenções que visem auxiliá-los no manejo de seus sentimentos diante da revelação, bem como em relação às consequências da violência para crianças e adolescentes.

RESUMEN. Los estudios existentes sobre divulgación de violencia sexual se basan principalmente en casos de niñas. El objetivo era conocer las reacciones protectoras y no protectoras de madres y padres ante la revelación de niños que son víctimas de violencia sexual. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, a través de entrevistas con nueve madres. Se llevó a cabo un análisis temático de datos, que resultó en seis temas: momento de revelación, confianza y desconfianza, acogida, búsqueda de ayuda, emociones y protección. Los resultados indican que las madres mostraron reacciones protectoras a la revelación, evidente en todos los temas. Desde el momento de la revelación, las madres confiaron en sus hijos y trataron de recibirlos escuchando atentamente, algunos de los cuales entraron en un estado de parálisis y tristeza. Siguió la búsqueda de información y asistencia especializada. La protección también se produjo mediante la eliminación de agresores y el monitoreo de la rutina de los niños. Es necesario invertir en acciones de concientización sobre los servicios disponibles. Además, se necesitan intervenciones para ayudarlos a manejar sus sentimientos ante la divulgación.

ABSTRACT. Studies on the disclosure of sexual violence are majorly based on cases involving girls. The objective was to investigate protective and non-protective reactions of mothers and fathers of boys towards the disclosure of sexual violence victimization. In this qualitative research, we interviewed nine mothers and analyzed the data using thematic analysis, which resulted in six themes: moment of disclosure, trust and distrust, welcoming, help seeking, emotions, and protection. Altogether, results showed that mothers, in general, presented protective reactions towards the disclosure, which was evident in all identified themes. After disclosure, mothers trusted their sons and sought to protect them by attentive listening, although some of them entered a state of paralysis and sadness. This welcoming of their sons' disclosure was followed by seeking information and specialized treatment. Protection was also identified by withdrawing from aggressors and monitoring the boys' routines. Thus, it is necessary to invest in actions to raise awareness of the available services so that caretakers can protect children and adolescents at risk. In addition, interventions are required to assist them to manage their feelings towards disclosure, as well as the consequences of violence for children and adolescents.

Humans , Male , Child , Adult , Sex Offenses/psychology , Disclosure , Awareness , Child Abuse, Sexual/psychology , Nuclear Family/psychology , Caregivers , Crime Victims/psychology , Trust/psychology , Emotions , User Embracement , Help-Seeking Behavior , Sadness/psychology , Mothers
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 56(3): 324-348, mai.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387587


Resumo Este artigo trata da comunicação que os Tribunais de Contas (TCs) e os Ministérios Públicos (MPs) brasileiros promovem nas redes sociais Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, desde a abertura de suas contas. Inova na discussão a respeito do controle democrático sobre a administração pública com foco na chamada "democracia digital", mostrando que os controladores também precisam se preocupar com a transparência e responsabilização nesses espaços. Tendo verificado que os TCs e os MPs mantêm departamentos profissionais de comunicação que operam intensamente nas redes sociais, com destaque para o TC da União (TCU) e o MP Federal (MPF) no Twitter, este trabalho analisa, de forma específica, o conteúdo da comunicação das duas instituições nessa rede, com a ajuda do software Iramuteq. Tanto o TCU como o MPF mantiveram intensa atividade de postagem de conteúdos diversos no Twitter, desde a abertura de suas contas e em momentos importantes da história política recente. A pergunta que orienta o trabalho é: ampliar os canais de comunicação significa necessariamente maior accountability? O que se constatou é que, ao se apresentar mais à sociedade pelos meios digitais, esses órgãos de controle não necessariamente responderam aos requisitos de responsabilização pública presentes na teoria democrática.

Resumen Este artículo trata de la comunicación que los Tribunales de Cuentas (TC) y los Ministerios Públicos (MP) brasileños promueven en las redes sociales Facebook, Twitter e Instagram, desde la apertura de sus cuentas. Innova en la discusión acerca de los controles democráticos sobre la administración pública en la llamada "democracia digital", mostrando que los controladores también deben preocuparse por su transparencia y rendición de cuentas. Habiendo comprobado que mantienen departamentos de comunicación profesional que operan intensamente en las redes sociales, con énfasis en el Tribunal de Cuentas de la Unión (TCU) y el Ministerio Público Federal (MPF) en Twitter, el artículo analiza específicamente el contenido de la comunicación entre las dos instituciones en esta red con la ayuda del software Iramuteq. Tanto el TCU como el MPF mantuvieron sus intensas actividades de publicación de contenidos varios en Twitter desde la apertura de sus cuentas y en momentos importantes de la historia política reciente. La pregunta que guía el trabajo es: ¿expandir los canales de comunicación significa necesariamente una mayor accountability? Lo que se encontró es que, al presentarse más a la sociedad a través de los medios digitales, estos organismos de control no respondían necesariamente a los requerimientos de rendición pública de cuentas presentes en la teoría democrática.

Abstract This article deals with the communication of Brazilian Courts of Accounts and Prosecution Services on social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, since the opening of their accounts. The study innovates in the discussion about democratic controls over public administration in the so-called "digital democracy," focusing on institutional communication of Courts of Accounts and Prosecution Services, showing that controllers also need to be concerned about their transparency and accountability. Having verified that they maintain professional communication departments that operate intensively on social media, with emphasis on the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) and the Federal Prosecution Service (MPF) on Twitter, the article specifically analyzes the content of the two institutions' communication in this platform by using the Iramuteq software. Both TCU and MPF kept posting a variety of content on Twitter since first opening their accounts and at important moments in recent political history. The research question addressed was: Does expanding communication channels necessarily mean greater accountability? The study found that these institutions, when communicating with society on social media, did not necessarily respond to the public accountability requirements that democratic theory implies.

Organizations , Communication , Disclosure , Public Attorneys , Social Networking
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992) ; 68(2): 202-205, Feb. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365344


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to emphasize the importance of legal and bioethical knowledge in maintaining medical confidentiality, especially in situations when there is a diagnosis of HIV infection. METHODS: A literature review of studies published in the Scientific Electronic Library Online and National Library of Medicine databases was performed. Sixteen studies available in full, online, and free, published between 2010 and 2020, were selected. RESULTS: The studies highlighted that, despite the ethical duty to breach confidentiality for the protection of third parties, many doctors are reluctant to reveal this secret due to the power of stigmatization and social discrimination related to the diagnosis of HIV infection, which affects integrity, counseling, and capability to treat patients. CONCLUSION: HIV diagnosis implies bioethical and legal questions. Respect for medical confidentiality is a matter to be discussed, as there is a need to protect the privacy of the patient, at the same time the responsibility to preserve the health of others.

Humans , HIV Infections/diagnosis , Disclosure , Confidentiality
Malawi med. j. (Online) ; 34(2): 143-150, Jul 11, 2022. Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1397948


This special communication discusses the current legal and ethical requirements for informed consent to medical treatment of adults in Malawi. It analyzes the scope of the laws and code of ethics on professional discipline, including criminal privilege for surgeries and clarifies when insufficient disclosures entitle patients to compensation under civil law. Inconsistencies and uncertainties in the law are made apparent. It evaluates to which degree disclosure standards of other Commonwealth jurisdictions (e.g. the case of Montgomery) would be suitable for the health care setting of a country like Malawi that is characterized by shortages of resources, high illiteracy rates and a communitarian cultural context. Doctor-patient communication is not alien to African culture and part of sufficient informed consent. In order to balance the need for efficiency in health care delivery, accountability for quality care, fairness and effective patient-doctor communication the authors suggest to adopt the reasonable patient test only, if a defence of heavy workload on case-to-case basis is introduced at the same time. This does not dispense the need for organisational diligence on part of the institutional health care provider within its capacity

Patient Rights , Academic Medical Centers , Ethics , Jurisprudence , Malpractice , DNA Damage , Nursing, Private Duty , Workload , Civil Defense , Disclosure
Journal of Integrative Medicine ; (12): 338-347, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-939889


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the difference in rates and reasons for disclosure of either conventional or complementary medicine (CM) to healthcare practitioners between people living with sleep disorders (SDs) and those without SDs.@*METHODS@#A cross-sectional survey (N = 2019 adults) that measured sociodemographic characteristics, health status, health service utilisation, health literacy and health communication (medicine disclosure) of a representative sample of Australians was conducted. Data from participants reporting an SD (n = 265) were compared to those not reporting an SD to assess measures of health communication and disclosure about medicine use.@*RESULTS@#Overall, rates of medicine disclosure to both conventional and CM practitioners were high, in respondents with (70%) and without an SD (57%). Those reporting an SD had higher expectations of their conventional health practitioner's knowledge of CM, associated clinical decision-making skills, and approval of CM use, and held a higher degree of concern about drug interactions (P < 0.05). The main reasons cited for disclosing CM use to conventional health practitioners and conventional medicine use to CM practitioners were "I want them to fully understand my health status" and "I was concerned about drug interactions with the CMs used."@*CONCLUSION@#The high rate of medicine use disclosure by people with SDs is driven by an intention to inform their healthcare practitioner about their health status and concerns about potential medicine interactions. Therefore, research about the expectations that people with an SD have of their conventional healthcare practitioners' knowledge of CM and CM-drug interactions requires further examination. Likewise, further examination of CM practitioner's conventional medicine knowledge is encouraged.

Adult , Humans , Australia , Complementary Therapies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Disclosure , Sleep Wake Disorders/therapy
Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae ; (6): 221-226, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927869


Objective To investigate the rate and correlates of receiving human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) serostatus disclosure from their most recent male sexual partners among men who have sex with men(MSM) aged 50 and above. Methods With a geosocial networking application,we recruited participants through online convenience sampling to collect the demographic variables,behavioral information,receiving HIV serostatus disclosure,etc.Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to interpret the associated factors of receiving HIV serostatus disclosure. Results Overall,38.4%(398/1037) of participants received HIV serostatus disclosure from their most recent male sexual partners.The multivariable analysis demonstrated that the following populations were less likely to receive HIV serostatus disclosure from their most recent male sexual partners:participants with junior high school degree or below(OR=0.660,95%CI=0.473-0.922, P=0.015) compared to those with senior high school degree or above;participants unemployed(OR=0.537,95%CI=0.322-0.896, P=0.017) and employed(OR=0.663,95%CI=0.466-0.944, P=0.022) compared to those retired;participants without knowledge about HIV or acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS) compared to those with knowledge about HIV/AIDS(OR=0.636,95%CI=0.466-0.868, P=0.004);participants having ≥2 male sexual partners in the last year(OR=0.433,95%CI=0.320-0.586, P<0.001) compared to those having none or one male sexual partner;participants never been tested for HIV(OR=0.544,95%CI=0.403-0.734, P<0.001) compared to those ever been tested for HIV;participants ever been diagnosed to have sexually transmitted infection(STI)(OR=0.472,95%CI=0.349-0.637, P<0.001) compared to those never diagnosed to have STI;and participants with higher level of HIV stigma(OR=0.742,95%CI=0.604-0.912, P=0.005). Conclusions Our findings indicated that the MSM aged 50 and above had low possibility of receiving HIV serostatus disclosure from the most recent male sexual partners.Education,employment status,number of sexual partners,HIV/AIDS-related knowledge,HIV testing behaviors,STI infection history,and HIV stigma contributed to this result.

Female , Humans , Male , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Disclosure , HIV , HIV Infections , Homosexuality, Male , Sexual Behavior , Sexual Partners , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis
Braz. j. biol ; 81(4): 1132-1132, Oct.-Dec. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153433
Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(4): 540-547, ago. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388269


INTRODUCCIÓN: La Organización Mundial de la Salud y la Académica Americana de Pediatría sugieren revelar el diagnóstico de VIH a niños. Sin embargo, esto no es una práctica consolidada en Colombia; a menudo esto ocurre porque los cuidadores no tienen una metodología adecuada para llevar a cabo este proceso. OBJETIVO: Se presenta la evaluación de la eficacia de la historia "Mi Dragón Dormido" para el proceso de educación y revelación del diagnóstico de VIH/SIDA a niños. MÉTODO: Mediante muestreo no probabilístico intencional; se administraron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 40 niños, seropositivos (n = 20) y seronegativos (n = 20) para VIH/SIDA. Se trató de un estudio cualitativo y diseño sistemático. Se realizó análisis cualitativo mediante el software NVivo 10 con codificación tipo Nodos de Árbol. RESULTADOS: Los datos cualitativos aportaron aproximaciones necesarias para mejorar el contenido y el diseño de la herramienta e indicaron que refleja la realidad de los niños y permite identificar temores y preguntas frecuentes frente a la condición crónica de salud del VIH. CONCLUSIONES: Estos resultados aportan información importante a considerar en el proceso de revelación del diagnóstico y su manejo por parte del personal de salud.

BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest disclose the HIV diagnosis to children. However, the disclosure of HIV/AIDS diagnosis to children and adolescents, it is not a consolidated practice in Colombia, often this occurs because caregivers do not have an adequate methodology to carry out this process. AIM: We present the efficiency components validation of "Mi dragon Dormido" history in the educational process and revelation ofAIDS diagnosis to boys and girls. METHOD: By means of purposive non-probability sampling, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 40 children, with an equal number of children who were seropositive (n = 20) and seronegative (n = 20) for HIV/ AIDS. A qualitative study with the approach of grounded theory and systematic design was conducted. We conducted the qualitative study through the NVivo software, with the codification type being Tree Nodes. RESULTS: The qualitative data provided necessary approximations to improve the content and design of the tool and showed that it reflects the reality of children and allows them to identify frequent fears and questions regarding to chronic health condition of HIV. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide important information to be considered in the process of diagnosis revelation and its management by health personnel.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , HIV Infections/diagnosis , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Truth Disclosure , Patient Education as Topic , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/diagnosis , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/prevention & control , Caregivers , Disclosure , Qualitative Research , Social Stigma
Acta bioeth ; 27(1): 69-78, jun. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383247


Abstract: 15. The anonymity of gamete donors in the context of medically-assisted reproduction techniques (ART) and the right of the offspring to know their genetic or biological parents' identity is a controversial and widely debated topic in the scientific literature. The positions on the issue in each country are different. Sometimes they are in opposition to each other even in countries with strong similarities, such as those in the European Union (EU), in the framework of shared ethical values. Although some countries still enshrine the rule of anonymity, there is an undeniable tendency to guarantee the right to know one's origins by creating relevant exceptions or abolishing donor anonymity status altogether. 16. This article offers ethical and legal considerations of whether the so-called 'right to be forgotten' (RTBF) could be extended to include gamete donors' right to remain anonymous. This perspective goes against the general trend, certainly in Europe, of recognizing that offspring born from donor gametes have a right to access information relating to their genetic progenitors. The novel addition is to question whether the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) might provide fertile ground for questioning this approach, and effectively support those jurisdictions where anonymity is still possible.

Resumen: 20. El anonimato de los donantes de gametos en el contexto de las técnicas de reproducción médicamente asistida (RM) y el derecho de la descendencia a conocer su identidad genética o biológica es un tema controvertido y ampliamente debatido en la literatura científica. Las posiciones sobre el tema en cada país son diferentes. A veces se oponen entre sí, incluso en países con fuertes similitudes, como los de la Unión Europea (UE), en el marco de valores éticos compartidos. Aunque algunos países siguen consagrando la norma del anonimato, es innegable la tendencia a garantizar el derecho a conocer el propio origen creando las excepciones pertinentes o suprimiendo por completo el estatus de anonimato del donante. 21. Este artículo ofrece consideraciones éticas y jurídicas sobre si el llamado "derecho al olvido" podría ampliarse para incluir el derecho de los donantes de gametos a permanecer en el anonimato. Esta opinión es contraria a la tendencia general, ciertamente en Europa, de reconocer que los hijos nacidos de gametos donados tienen derecho a acceder a la información relativa a sus padres genéticos. La nueva adición consiste en debatir si el Reglamento general de protección de datos (RGPD) podría proporcionar un terreno fértil para cuestionar este enfoque y apoyar efectivamente a las jurisdicciones en las que el anonimato sigue siendo posible.

Resumo 25. O anonimato dos dadores de gâmetas no contexto das técnicas de reprodução medicamente assistida (RMA) e o direito da descendência a conhecer a sua identidade genética ou biológica é um tema controverso e amplamente debatido na literatura científica. As posições sobre a questão em cada país são diferentes. Por vezes estão em oposição umas às outras, mesmo em países com fortes semelhanças, como os da União Europeia (UE), no quadro de valores éticos partilhados. Embora alguns países ainda consagrem a regra do anonimato, existe uma tendência inegável para garantir o direito de conhecer as suas origens, criando exceções relevantes ou abolindo completamente o estatuto de anonimato dos dadores. 26. Este artigo oferece considerações éticas e legais sobre se o chamado "direito ao esquecimento" poderia ser alargado para incluir o direito dos dadores de gâmetas a permanecerem anónimos. Esta perspetiva vai contra a tendência geral, certamente na Europa, de reconhecer que os descendentes nascidos de gâmetas doadas têm o direito de aceder à informação relacionada com os seus progenitores genéticos. O novo aditamento é debater se o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (RGPD) poderá fornecer um terreno fértil para questionar esta abordagem, e apoiar efetivamente as jurisdições onde o anonimato ainda é possível.

Humans , Confidentiality/ethics , Patient Rights , Directed Tissue Donation/ethics , Tissue Donors , Confidentiality/legislation & jurisprudence , Privacy , Disclosure/legislation & jurisprudence , Disclosure/ethics , Directed Tissue Donation/legislation & jurisprudence , Germ Cells
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(2): 214-220, mar.-abr. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518366


La reproducción asistida con donación ha venido a interrogar y a ampliar la noción de parentesco. La hegemonía del modelo biogenético dificulta que los padres de estas familias incorporen con tranquilidad la donación en su gestación. Desde los inicios de la técnica los padres han optado por no contar a su decendencia la historia de su concepción, muchas veces por miedo a que se deslegitimara su relación filial. Con el tiempo, se ha observado una apertura hacia la comunicación. Este cambio va de la mano con el desarrollo de la investigación en el área, que comenzó preguntándose por el bienestar psicológico de los nacidos por donación, por los aspectos relacionales de las familias concebidas de este modo e interrogando los beneficios de la comunicación de orígenes. Luego, investigando las percepciones en relación con su origen de las personas nacidas por donación. Finalmente, se ha publicado acerca la imposibilidad del anonimato en la era de los exámenes genéticos directos al consumidor. El modo de entender la reproducción con donante ha evolucionado, de un modelo médico en el que el foco es el lograr un embarazo saludable, a un modelo de formación de familia, en el que la motivación es contribuir a formar familias de buen funcionamiento. Esto tiene implicancias en la consejería a quienes participan del proceso, y también en los lineamientos que las sociedades científicas y comités de ética sugieren a los programas de reproducción con donante.

Gamete donation has come to question and broaden the notion of kinship. The hegemony of an biogenetic model has been an obstacle for parents of these families to incorporate donation into their history. From the beginning of the technique the parents chose not to tell their descent the history of their conception, often for fear that their filial relationship would be delegitimized. Over time, an openness to disclosure has been observed. This change goes hand in hand with the development of research in the area, which began by asking about the psychological well-being of those born by donation. Then investigating the relational aspects of families conceived in this way and questioning the benefits of disclosure. Subsequently, it was possible to study the perceptions regarding their origin of people born by donation. Finally, the impossibility of anonymity in the era of direct consumer genetic testing has been published. The way of understanding donor reproduction has evolved, from a medical model in focus is to achieve a healthy pregnancy, a family formation model, in which the motivation is to contribute to forming well-functioning families. This has implications in counseling to those who participate in the process, and in the guidelines that scientific societies and ethics committees affect donor reproduction programs.

Humans , Oocyte Donation , Confidentiality , Disclosure , Donor Conception/psychology , Donor Conception/ethics
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1384798


Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue validar la apariencia de un instrumento de notificación de eventos adversos (EA) basado en el "Sistema de Notificación y Aprendizaje para la Seguridad del Paciente" propuesto por el Ministerio de Sanidad Español, desde la percepción de enfermeras y enfermeros de las Áreas de Medicinas y Cirugías del Hospital Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia durante el I semestre del año 2017. A partir de un diseño cualitativo, participaron en la validación aparente del instrumento 15 enfermeros(as). No se registraron aportes en cuanto a la redacción y la secuencia lógica de la información. Se agregaron tres ítemes. Lo anterior, al considerar que las ideas expresadas estuvieran en concordancia con los principios de voluntariedad de la notificación, la no punibilidad, la confidencialidad, la orientación sistémica, la promoción del análisis para el aprendizaje y la implementación de mejoras. Se concluye que el instrumento es considerado adecuado para la notificación de eventos adversos asociados a la atención de la salud en dicho centro hospitalario.

Abstract The objective of this study was to validate the appearance of an adverse event notification (EA) instrument based on the "System of Notification and Learning for Patient Safety" proposed by the Spanish Ministry of Health, from the perception of nurses of the Medicine and Surgery Areas of the Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia Hospital during the first semester of 2017. Based on a qualitative design, 15 nurses participated in the apparent validation of the instrument. No contributions were recorded regarding the writing and logical sequence of the information. Three items were added. The foregoing, considering that the ideas expressed were in accordance with the principles of voluntary reporting, non-punishability, confidentiality, systemic orientation, promotion of analysis for learning and implementation of improvements. It is concluded that the instrument is considered adequate for the notification of adverse events associated with health care in that hospital center.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi validar o aparecimento de um instrumento de notificação de eventos adversos (EA) baseado no "Sistema de Notificação e Aprendizado para Segurança do Paciente" proposto pelo Ministério da Saúde da Espanha, a partir da percepção dos enfermeiros. das Áreas de Medicina e Cirurgia do Hospital Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia durante o primeiro semestre de 2017. Com base em um desenho qualitativo, 15 enfermeiros participaram da aparente validação do instrumento. Não foram registradas contribuições quanto à escrita e sequência lógica das informações. Três itens foram adicionados. O exposto, considerando que as idéias expressas estavam de acordo com os princípios de denúncia voluntária, não punibilidade, confidencialidade, orientação sistêmica, promoção de análises para aprendizado e implementação de melhorias. Conclui-se que o instrumento é considerado adequado para a notificação de eventos adversos associados aos cuidados de saúde naquele centro hospitalar.

Disclosure , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Nursing , Costa Rica
Dement. neuropsychol ; 14(4): 333-339, Oct.-Dec. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142841


ABSTRACT. Dementia is a life-threatening and stigmatizing condition, with devastating impacts on the patient's personal identity and caregivers. There are many barriers to an effective diagnosis disclosure of dementia, including fear of causing distress, uncertainty of diagnosis, caregivers' objection and lack of training in communication skills in undergraduate medical schools. Although some studies have been published on how to help physicians deliver an Alzheimer's disease diagnosis, no specific protocol has been published yet. The SPIKES protocol is a didactic approach designed to deliver bad news related to cancer, but it has been used globally and in a variety of clinical settings, including the teaching of communication skills to medical students and residents. It is known, however, that the cognitive impairment of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias may limit the understanding of the diagnosis' complexity; hence, a few adaptations of this model were made after reviewing the current literature on dementia diagnosis disclosure. The suggested SPIKES-D protocol seems to encompass current guidelines about the communication of the diagnosis of dementia, keeping its didactic approach on breaking bad news and helping fulfill the gaps in this topic.

RESUMO. A demência é uma condição incurável e estigmatizada, com impacto devastador na identidade pessoal do paciente e seus cuidadores. Existem muitas barreiras para uma adequada comunicação do diagnóstico às pessoas com demência, incluindo medo de causar estresse psicológico, incerteza do diagnóstico, objeção dos cuidadores e falta de treinamento em habilidades de comunicação nas escolas de medicina. Embora alguns artigos sobre como auxiliar a equipe médica a comunicar um diagnóstico de demência tenham sido publicados, nenhum protocolo específico foi publicado até o presente momento. O protocolo SPIKES é uma abordagem didática desenvolvida para auxiliar a comunicação de más notícias relacionadas ao câncer, mas tem sido utilizado em todo o mundo e nos mais diversos contextos clínicos, inclusive no ensino de habilidades de comunicação para estudantes e residentes de medicina. Entretanto, é sabido que o declínio cognitivo inerente à doença de Alzheimer e outras demências pode limitar a compreensão da complexidade do diagnóstico, tendo sido realizadas, portanto, algumas adaptações nesse protocolo após revisão da literatura acerca da comunicação do diagnóstico das demências. O protocolo SPIKES-D aqui sugerido parece englobar as diretrizes atuais sobre a comunicação do diagnóstico de demências, preservando seu caráter didático na comunicação de más notícias e auxiliando no preenchimento das lacunas neste tópico.

Humans , Communication , Disclosure , Dementia , Diagnosis , Alzheimer Disease
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 115(5): 807-808, nov. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1142263
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992) ; 66(8): 1139-1145, Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136338


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE To analyze the scientific evidence on the disclosure of the diagnostic of adolescents infected by HIV/AIDS in the South American context. DATABASE Systematic literature review using the PubMed, Cinahal, Embase, Cochrane, BVS, and Global Health databases and the descriptors: adolescent and HIV and family and Argentina or Bolivia or Brasil or Chile or Colombia or Ecuador or French Guiana or Paraguay or Peru or Uruguay or Venezuela. DATA SYNTHESIS Brasil was the country highlighted. It was verified that parents have a direct and indirect influence over the adolescents' life, especially regarding behaviors and health care. Dialog among family members can reduce adolescents' vulnerability to HIV and encourage diagnostic disclosure. CONCLUSION It is necessary to amplify research involving adolescents with HIV/AIDS and their parents/caregivers and family members to improve care and reduce the cases of the disease. It is suggested that policies of prevention and treatment should involve families, caregivers, partners, and the community.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar as evidências científicas acerca da revelação diagnóstica de adolescentes infectados pelo HIV/aids no contexto sul-americano. FONTES DE DADOS Revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados PubMed, Cinahal, Embase, Cochrane, BVS e Global Health, utilizando os descritores adolescent and HIV and family and Argentina or Bolivia or Brasil or Chile or Colombia or Equador or French Guiana or Paraguay or Peru or Uruguay or Venezuela. SÍNTESE DOS DADOS O Brasil foi o país de destaque. Verificou-se que os pais exercem influência direta e indireta sobre a vida dos adolescentes, especialmente com relação aos comportamentos e cuidados de saúde. O diálogo entre os membros da família pode reduzir a vulnerabilidade dos adolescentes ao HIV e encorajar a revelação do diagnóstico. CONCLUSÃO É necessário ampliar a pesquisa envolvendo adolescentes, pais/cuidadores, famílias com HIV/aids para melhorar os cuidados e reduzir os casos da doença. Sugere-se que as políticas de prevenção e tratamento envolvam famílias, cuidadores, parceiros e comunidades.

Humans , Adolescent , HIV Infections , Disclosure , Peru , Argentina , Venezuela , Brazil , Chile , HIV
Rev. gaúch. enferm ; 41: e20180436, 2020.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1093861


ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the meanings built by the nursing team regarding communication at shift handover in intensive care units. Method: A qualitative study, grounded on the theoretical framework of Berlo, was developed in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Rio de Janeiro with the nursing team participating in the handover process or working with patient care. Observation and interviews were conducted, with a thorough description of the data and thematic content analysis. Results: There is acknowledgment of the meaning of handover in nursing care, which is expressed in behaviors aimed at avoiding inefficacy or the incorrect perception of communication; on the other hand, there is little participation of nursing technicians, with side talks, lack of attention and incomplete information, which compromises their effectiveness. Conclusion: Professionals should understand their role in the communication process by playing it with active participation to reduce handover noises.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar los sentidos elaborados por el equipo de enfermería sobre la comunicación en el handover de la transferencia de turnos en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Método: Estudio cualitativo fundamentado en el marco teórico de Berlo, desarrollado en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos de un hospital de Rio de Janeiro con el equipo participante del handover y/o actuante en la asistencia al paciente. Se realizó una observación y entrevistas, con descripción detallada de datos y análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: A la vez que se reconoce la importancia del handover para la atención de enfermería, expresado en comportamientos que buscan evitar la ineficiencia o la percepción errónea de la comunicación, también se registra poca participación de los auxiliares de enfermería, con conversaciones paralelas, desatención e información incompleta, lo que compromete su efectividad. Conclusión: Los profesionales deben comprender su rol en el proceso de la comunicación, desempeñándolo con participación activa para reducir las interferencias en el handover.

RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar os sentidos construídos pela equipe de enfermagem sobre a comunicação no handover na transferência de turnos na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Método: Estudo qualitativo alicerçado no suporte teórico de Berlo, desenvolvido na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de um hospital do Rio de Janeiro com a equipe de enfermagem participante do handover e/ou atuante na assistência ao paciente. Realizou-se observação e entrevistas, com descrição densa dos dados e análise de conteúdo temático. Resultados: Ao tempo em que há o sentido de reconhecimento da importância do handover para o cuidado de enfermagem, expresso em comportamentos que buscam evitar a ineficiência ou percepção errônea da comunicação, por outro lado, há pouca participação dos técnicos de enfermagem, com conversas paralelas, desatenção e informações incompletas, comprometendo a sua efetividade. Conclusão: Os profissionais devem compreender o seu papel no processo de comunicação, desempenhando-o com participação ativa para reduzir os ruídos no handover.

Humans , Communication , Critical Care , Nurse's Role , Patient Handoff , Nursing, Team , Nursing Theory , Brazil , Patient Transfer , Critical Care/organization & administration , Critical Care/methods , Disclosure , Decision Making , Qualitative Research , Patient Handoff/standards , Patient Handoff/organization & administration , Intensive Care Units , Noise, Occupational , Nursing Assistants
Niger. j. paediatr ; 47(4): 305­311-2020. tab
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1267474


Background: HIV infected children survive to adolescence because of anti retroviral therapy, however, only a small proportion know their diagnosis.Disclosure is critical to long-term disease management, yet little is known about if, how, and when disclosure takes place and the barriers associated with it, and its impact on children in resource limited settings. Objective: This study set out to determine the process of and barriers to HIV disclosure in children as well as the immediate impact of this on children and their caregivers. Methods: A cross-sectional study was done June-July 2016 using a structured questionnaire, convenience sampling and quantitative methods at the infectious disease clinics of National Hospital Abuja. A sample of 164 caregivers of HIV positive children aged 5 to 16 years receiving antiretroviral therapy for at least one year were enrolled. Results: Prevalence of full disclosure was 24.5%, partial 22.7% with overall prevalence of 47.2%. Main barrier to disclosure was child's age and fear of informing others. The impact of disclosure on caregivers was relief in 45.5% but emotional and difficult for others. Immediate reactions by children were sadness; tearfulness and worry in 28.6%, some showed no reaction while others even expressed relief. On a longer term, disclosure had several effects. Main predictors of disclosure on regression were the child's age and caregiver's opinion on disclosure. Conclusion: The prevalence of full disclosure is low and several barriers affect disclosure. Caregiver's and HCWs need empowerment and support with culturally appropriate skills and platforms to deal with the barriers, process and impact of disclosure

Child , Communication Barriers , Disclosure , HIV Serosorting , Health Impact Assessment , Nigeria